Startup Program Overview

Welcome to Powered, Alliander's innovative startup program dedicated to accelerating the future of the energy sector. At Powered, we believe in the power of collaboration to drive sustainable change. Through this program, we invite startups to join us in reimagining the energy landscape, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions.

On this page you will find the overview of the program from weekly group meetings, 1:1s and thematic workshops. Together, let's shape the future of energy and create a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable world. Join us on this transformative journey with Powered.


Corporate Startup Collaboration Program

April, May, Jun, July (11 weeks)

Min participation of 1 core team member per startup Aprox 4 hours a week2 physical weeks in NLMain Language: English

Post Program

In Netherlands

Kick-off - introduction to Alliander stakeholders and mentors


In The Netherlands

Mentorship possibilities:

1) Commercial growth2) Investment Readiness3) PPT ( People, Process & Tech)

Content programe:

1) Alliander experts & coaches2) Startupbootcamp mentors

PoC with Alliander**

In Netherlands

Demo Day - Exposure to Alliander and investors

Potential Pilot & Potential Provider


Group Meeting

Every Week

Session with all the startups for:

1) Overview of the week2) Founders mutual support3) Fire chat with Alliander executives

1:1 Meeting

Every Week

Individual session with the startup, program director, Alliander PoC owner and Alliander Coach

1) Overview of the week2) Founders mutual support3) Fire chat with Alliander executives

Thematic Workshops

Workshops on:

1) Commercial acceleration2) Investment readiness3) PPT Framework (people, processes, technology)

Thematic 1:1 Sessions


Individual sessions with the thematic facilitators on:

1) Commercial acceleration2) Invesment readiness3) PPT Framework (people, processes, technology)

E-learning Platform

E-learning platform content 24/7 available

1) Commercial, Investment and PPT FRamework related content2) Other startup relevant content